New Deal
Socialized healthcare is not an evil concept. Implementation is crucial to execution. I've never understood why Obamacare manifested. The reason is because the new deal gave us Medicare and Social Security. Medicare and Social Security were originally intended for all Americans experiencing hardship. If the nation wasn't caught in a runaway currency system Social Security and Medicare should/would/could be "in the black" from all the taxes input since The New Deal. Medicare and Social Security if implemented correctly could replace the need for acquiring private insurance for healthcare. This would require that Doctors and Pharmaceutical companies operate with honesty and integrity.
When I joined the Navy the slogan was, "A global force for good." Honestly, I totally dig that concept. Most of our budget goes to military spending. What if we used our military might to build and rebuild the world? It can start right here on the homefront. One of the most common complaints of any American in any state is the failing condition of the infrastructure and roads, including the interstates. Dwight Eisenhower created the Interstate system with preventive maintenance in mind knowing it created jobs for the long term. The potential to utilize the military in a similar fashion to the CCC and other programs under FDR's new deal totally exists. This would create a culture where young men and women would be paid to learn how to work. The biggest advantage of military service is that you get paid to gain experience. The more relevant the experience is to the world outside of war the more people will volunteer. A volunteer force displays as strength in the overall unity of the nation.
I too, can stick out my chest and proudly say, "I served in the United States Navy!" The World's Finest Navy.
"A large proportion of these unemployed and their dependents have been forced on the relief rolls. The burden on the Federal Government has grown with great rapidity. We have here a human as well as an economic problem. When humane considerations are concerned, Americans give them precedence. The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is in violation of the traditions of America. Work must be found for able-bodied but destitute workers." -FDR to congress, 1935.
A Universal Basic Income would be dangerous for humanity by most accounts. Welfare as described by FDR is, "...a subtle destroyer of the human spirit." Universal Basic Income is the penultimate version of welfare. The solution to our income woes lies in the reform of how we determine wages and the value of the dollar. With autonomy on the rise creating a shortage of manual labor work more humans will have to turn to some form of service industry to fulfill the void and find purpose in their daily lives. They also cannot commit their time to serving others if their wages do not provide enough income to cover their basic expenses like housing and food. There are probably more empty homes and apartments in America than there are homeless people and the reason is because our monetary system and government administrations have failed us. So many homeless and unemployed Americans are willing to work and want something to do with their day but the wages do not justify the effort to show up. So many homeless Americans living in cars ARE employed, with "great" wages, but one forgivable mistake in this fragile economy and social environment is all it takes to end up sleeping on the streets in the United States of America.
The above article is an explanation of what happened to Rome after debasing their currency. Rome (eventually) tried implementing a universal basic income to appease its citizens; however, in the long term it hurt the empire. Granted, autonomy in Ancient Rome wasn't nearly as far advanced as it is today. Efficient and sufficient government social security and medicare welfare programs are paramount to the goodwill of humanity. It is unfair to burden the injured more than they're already experiencing. It doesn't make sense to force someone to suffer through a job while hurt that doesn't pay them enough to be a functioning part of society. Time is the most valuable asset in the world to every human. Time is the great equalizer. If welfare were to go into the realm of a Universal Basic Income, the only way I figure it could work is if currency was backed by time the same way currency was held to the gold standard. However, even with a new time standard in place of gold or war bonds, Universal Basic Income still facilitates a vacuum of apathy toxic to the advancement of humanity.